Wunderdog Rescue

We are proud that Tuggs is the official partner of Wunderdog Rescue

Wunderdog Rescue was born in 2018 when Kasey Carlin, the charity's founder, fostered Maggie, a rescue dog from Lebanon who had suffered heart-wrenching abuse. Maggie had, devastatingly, been used as target practice. She was covered in wounds and had been left blind, with broken bones and a missing ear.

Kasey's plan was never to adopt Maggie, but to provide her with temporary foster care until Maggie found her forever home. Due to Maggie's condition, however, there had been little interest in adopting her, and she went months without a single application. But Kasey quickly fell in love with Maggie's kind-hearted nature and lust for life - and decided to take her in permanently.

Fast forward to today and Maggie has become an internet sensation - amassing a following of hundreds of thousands on social media as well as featuring on This Morning. Furthermore, Wunderdog Rescue has helped countless dogs settle into their new lives, and find their forever homes. Along with their disabilities and differences, most of the Wunderdogs have lived difficult lives with a lifetime of poor nutrition - but Kasey works hard to rehabilitate each dog so that they can live happy lives in the UK.

To aid their recovery, every month Tuggs provides all of the food required to feed the dogs at the Wunderdog Rescue. We're proud to be fueling all of the Wunderdogs with what they need to thrive, and to play an important role in their rehabilitation.

The dogs that make their way to Wunderdog Rescue have often lived their early years trying to survive. They have physical differences, disabilities or higher needs and in order to set them up for success we chose to seek out a complete dog food that would provide the substance they need to live long and happy lives despite their past experiences.

Kasey Carlin

Founder, Wunderdog Rescue

The Tuggs team recently spent a day in Brighton with Kasey, Maggie and all of the other Wunderdogs. Despite the traumas of their past, the Wunderdogs are incredibly trusting, playful and most importantly, happy - which is a testament to the care that Kasey has put into ensuring that they each get the best second chance. It is clear to see how special these dogs are, and how deserving they are of a loving home. At Tuggs, we believe that every dog deserves the best, so deciding to make Wunderdog Rescue our charity partner was an easy choice.

If you'd like to support Wunderdog Rescue, you can head to their website to make a donation or to see the dogs that are available for adoption. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for upcoming collaborations with Wunderdog Rescue, and for other opportunities to support dogs in need.

Meet the Wunderdogs


Millie was lovingly adopted in 2020 and since her arrival we have tried many different diets to help her with weight gain. Millie has a facial difference which means she is missing the front half of her upper and lower jaw but she does still have her back molars and can eat like any other dog. Her hyperactivity and general disinterest in food has meant we are always working to keep the calories up and the weight on. Eating Tuggs she has gained 3 kilos and continues to lick every bowl clean!


“Beau is a two legged miracle. She lost both her legs to abuse and food has been the main catalyst for bringing her out of her shell. She’s a fussy eater and kibble just wasn’t doing the trick. Tuggs has been a blessing because not only does she come howling in the morning, demanding her breakfast but we also dehydrate some Tuggs to use as special Beau treats!”


Maggie is a 10 year old Lebanese street dog. She’s completely blind and is heavily reliant on her sense of smell. As she gets grey around the muzzle it’s more important than ever to ensure the quality of food she eats is the best we can get so I can continue to enjoy her company for years to come! She’s been on Tuggs for a few months now and I’m pleased to report that this little piglet has a waistline again. Shuffling a little weight has been great for helping her get that spring back in her step.





Meals donated to Wunderdog Rescue

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